lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

The Apartment in Photographs

The Red Couch that lives in the Livingroom

The Blue Bed the lives in the Bedroom

The Red Kettle that lives in the Kitchen 

The White Fridge that lives in the Kitchen

The Grey Shower-curtain that lives in the Bathroom

Chill, you have found your apartment in Buenos Aires!

Click here to check location of the apartment on the map


The vast area of Palermo, the largest neighborhood in Buenos Aires, encompasses many different boroughs such as: Bosques de Palermo, Palermo Chico, Palermo Viejo (Hollywood/Soho)and Verde(Green).

There are many amazing sites to see in Palermo other than the lavish gardens, important places such as:
PALERMO panoramic view

The Botanical Garden, also designed by Charles Thays. Many different and exotic species of plants from Asia, Europe and South America are planted together with bushes and flowers. You can also admire* beautiful sculptures inside. The botanical school gives special gardening lessons.
The Zoo created in 1874, it is directly across the Botanical Garden and the Sociedad Rural Argentina. This is a special place for a long day stroll. You will be able to enjoy different animal species in their habitats, such as lakes, jungles, mountains, temples and bridges very accurately reproduced. Important sculptures and chapels replicas can also be admired.
Plaza Italia: In front of both the zoo and the botanical garden, Plaza Italia is a strategic point in the city. Many bus lines as well as the subway allow converge into the square facilitating the connection with different zones of the city. Plaza Italia houses the monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Sociedad Rural Argentina: Founded in 1866, this large surface houses the annual agricultural fair in July. The rest of the year different shows and exhibitions are held, such as Feria del Libro (The book fair), or the present ¨Opera Pampa¨, a native musical.
The Rosedal (Rose Garden): Inaugurated in the early 1900’s, it contains more than 1000 different roses from around the world. A time you should not miss, specially between September and March when roses are in bloom.. Music concerts, theatre exhibitions are often on stage. You can also rent a pedal boat in the lake.
The Planetarium Galileo Galilei: Inaugurated during the 60’s, this planetarium houses an astronomy museum. Also to enjoy there are star and light shows, exhibitions, and seminars that are held within this planet shaped blue building. A scenario of thousands of stars can be observed inside.
In the same area of the Green Palermo or Palermo Gardens , the Argentine Polo Field resides, the Japanese Garden, the Hippodrome, and other stadiums and shopping centers. You can also find various catholic churches, a mosque, and many more interesting and important monuments.
Another interesting sub-division is Palermo Chico or Barrio Parque. The most elegant and traditional place in Buenos Aires. Its old and French-style mansions are worth a look during your stroll around Palermo.
While the “green” Palermo has always been wealthy and fine, the other Palermo, today known as Palermo Viejo, was a working class neighborhood of cobblestones streets, little and humble houses, surrounded by many warehouses and factories.

Artists, young designers, intellectuals and simple inhabitants of Palermo Viejo were the pioneers of this new lifestyle about 25 years ago.

At present, Palermo Viejo, divided into Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood is the trendiest ¨barrio¨ of the city. Its particular bohemian and vanguard atmosphere may be the reason of the increasing success. During week-ends, the crowded Plaza Serrano, where a craftsmen fair is held, becomes the “meeting point”.
Both, Palermo Soho and Palermo Hollywood have mainly maintained its particular architecture and a perfect harmony between the old and the recycled houses. Almost all the ancient houses are now boutiques where creative designers expose their eccentric works . The spacious factories and warehouses are mostly used as art galleries, showrooms, restaurants, bars or TV sets and photo studios. A huge variety of excellent restaurants are displayed along these calm and shady streets. This is a special place for a full day stroll.

Definitely Palermo is the place to be! 


You have made the right choice!